Sherlock Victorian Special - Extended trailer
Due to some kind of accident, an extended trailer for the Sherlock special found its way onto the internet.
Apparently it was meant only for Australia and it was quickly pulled from YouTube. Of course it was not pulled quickly enough and could be easily found and viewed from any number of different sources.
BBC Australia must have known this would happen so you wonder why they bothered to pull it all. Perhaps it was a cynical marketing stunt designed to ensure that people pulled out all the stops to see it?
Then, after being pulled, the trailer was restored to the BBC's YouTube channel.
I guess they gave into the inevitable?
Written by Alistair Duncan
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Apparently it was meant only for Australia and it was quickly pulled from YouTube. Of course it was not pulled quickly enough and could be easily found and viewed from any number of different sources.
BBC Australia must have known this would happen so you wonder why they bothered to pull it all. Perhaps it was a cynical marketing stunt designed to ensure that people pulled out all the stops to see it?
Then, after being pulled, the trailer was restored to the BBC's YouTube channel.
I guess they gave into the inevitable?

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