A plea for guest posts
Not all that long ago I made a plea for guest posts. Sadly, I've had nobody take me up on it.
I've been struggling to create blog entries for a while. Mostly that is because I won't blog for the sake of it but also because I've run out of ideas. At the risk of going on about it, my mother's recent death, and all the stuff connected to it, certainly hasn't helped.
So come on people, help a guy out. Offer me a guest post or give me inspiration to write a post myself. If you submit one, all I ask is that it is sensibly connected to Sherlock Holmes or Arthur Conan Doyle. I also ask that your article does not set out to stir anyone up. I have no desire to referee any battles at the moment.

So come on people, help a guy out. Offer me a guest post or give me inspiration to write a post myself. If you submit one, all I ask is that it is sensibly connected to Sherlock Holmes or Arthur Conan Doyle. I also ask that your article does not set out to stir anyone up. I have no desire to referee any battles at the moment.
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