New book alert - Sherlock Holmes and the Cryptic Clues

I've not yet seen it but here's the blurb.

Notable Sherlockians have been honored by having their likenesses used as inspiration for the effigies that adorn the tops of some monuments. These are the men and women that have contributed so much to our enjoyment of the Game. I will be revealing the secret to each of the honored Sherlockian’s final resting places in 2017 on my website. I am hoping that everyone will have fun searching the marble orchards for the images. Every BSI and ASH member is also listed on the back cemetery gate for the case from which their investiture was taken. This is the first time that all of these remarkable devotees have been sorted in such manner.
Early each year I will publish a downloadable page(s) to update the BSI and ASH so this volume can remain current. I already have new illustrations and cartoons to include with the expanded info, so those interested should visit my website each year to get the free supplement.
I would be honored if you would please share this information with your readers and other friends. Thank you for your dedication to the Game!
Keeping The Holmes Fires Burning,
Michael W. McClure B.S.I.
"Stimson & Company" 1992

Having attended many events lead by Michael you just know his book is going to be fun.