
Showing posts from November, 2013

Sherlock has risen before you know...

It's Jan 1st ........

Latest Sherlock S3 trailer

Review: First Books of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle – edited by Stephan Arthur of The Poor Folk Upon the Moors

So my prediction was out then...

Missing Sherlock? You're so lucky

Oh dear....

Sherlock Holmes R.I.P. ?

Is it possible to legitimately criticise Sherlock or Elementary?

Doylean Giants: Hesketh Pearson

Society Plug - The Poor Folk Upon the Moors

So what do we think about colouring Rathbone?

Adaptations can only hurt themselves

Arthur Conan Doyle - A Study in Accuracy

Sherlock and Watson eh?

Sherlock at the BFI - my thoughts

Arthur Conan Doyle and women

Should things that are “off the page” stay that way?

Happy Birthday Mr Brett

The Worst Tenant - A JB tribute

Happy Birthday (almost) Jeremy Brett