A new review

My first book Eliminate the Impossible picked up a four star review on Amazon.co.uk on April 1st. Part of me hopes it wasn't a joke.

It is nice that a book that was published three years ago is still pulling in nice reviews or indeed reviews of any kind. When you consider the amount that has happened in the Sherlockian world since its release my first book is somewhat out of date. This is especially the case for the film and television section where we have had the Warner Bros. film, the BBC's re-imagining and the odd 'mockbuster'.

It re-raises a question I posed a short while ago. Exactly how much new material would I need to justify a second edition of my first title? As most Sherlockians know we have Warner Bros' second film coming out at the end of the year and almost certainly a new BBC series to run in parallel.

I guess I'll have to wait a while yet. One thing is for sure, I shall address the principal criticism I received by making sure I include an index.


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