What a day

Well Saturday was a curious day. It began at the unworldly hour of 5.30am when I discovered that my on-line email account had been hacked overnight and that emails had been sent to my entire address book. To add insult to injury the people (or program) responsible had proceeded to empty my sent items folder thus robbing me of over 1500 sent emails.

Fortunately I was able to recover these with the help of my provider's on-line tech support.

Once that was sorted there was the business of my book signing.

This was not a success. Not only was the store not prepared for me when I arrived but they were also displaying the wrong times for the signing. Despite this, and the fact that they set me up behind a pillar with no backdrop, I did manage to sell some books. However the total count was a mere five. I also signed eighteen to go on the shelves.

Of course it was the glorious weather that did me the most damage. After all, when there's such sun to be had why would you browse a bookshop?


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